Category: Animal: dog

  • Snatch. Dir. Guy Ritchie. Columbia Pictures. 2000.

    – “Okay, I reckon the hare gets fucked” – “What? Proper fucked?” In Guy Ritchie’s comedic crime thriller Snatch, he uses this hare coursing scene to draw parallels between the animality of the dogs and the gangsters, whilst also simultaneously using the mise-en-scene to create a contrast between the agility of animals alongside the clumsiness…

  • Paulie. Dir. John Roberts. Dreamworks Pictures. 1998

    Paulie. Dir. John Roberts. Dreamworks Pictures. 1998

    Paulie is a  blue crowned conure, trapped in a small cage within a Research Institute. When he befriends Misha the janitor, Misha realises that Paulie can do more than talk- Paulie understands! Paulie is a family film that uses comedy and lighthearted fun to discuss the issues it presents. Paulie’s ideal life is to return…