Tag: Family
Brave. Dir. Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, and Steve Purcell. Disney-Pixar. 2012.
The Disney-Pixar film, Brave (2012), directed by Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, and Steve Purcell, is a computer-animated film set in Medieval Scotland featuring Merida, a skilled archer and princess, who is determined to seek freedom from the cultural duties and responsibilities enforced upon her. As the story unfolds, Merida’s mother, Queen Elinor, announces a kingdom-wide competition amongst…
The Queen. Dir. Stephen Frears. Pathé Distribution. 2006.
In the centre of constitutional drama, The Queen, a moment occurs in which a stag unexpectantly enters into a private moment being experienced by Elizabeth II. The Stag has a highly commanding presence onscreen, and works in unison with the film’s discussion on the public and private sphere. The scene opens with the Queen’s (Helen Mirren) back…